End of a great year

Holy wow everyone!!

Jackie here to talk about the fantastic blur of a year we had! We did SO MUCH this year it’s hard to look back and accept we did all of that! We know we were so busy we had to pass on a lot of other events and social things and going into this year we are going to make those more of a priority while still doing awesome stuff.

I know, I know, I will not make 6 new costumes while working 2 full time jobs in the span of a month and a half… 😀

I wanted to thank everyone for all the support we’ve been given and do a big picture re-cap of this year! It was incredible for us for sure!! There are a few things in here we haven’t blogged about yet so expect some posts to come in the near future. Our resolution this year is to put out more content for you guys! This blog being one of them!

Let’s start at the beginning of the year…

We went to Amazing Arizona Con and did a panel with Allen Amis Creations on armor building!


Then we finished my new Wasp costume! The armor was sculpted by me and molded by Garrick. I sewed a new suit out of PVC still based on the design Meredith initially drew for this just in a material to reflect the Kotobukiya statue more. My older Wasp suit will come back in this timeline later…

PH PCC 2015-81Next we spent a bunch of time on our video game costumes for PCC and G prepped for another panel with Allen. This was our group costume with Project Hero, different video game characters. We couldn’t have anyone from the same game. G made Gordon Freeman from Half life2 and I made Bayonetta. Holy details on both of those. We’ll do a write up late for those two. Paul did Naked Snake from MGS3, Deb did Eir Stegalkin from Guild Wars 2, Jason was a hunter from Destiny, and Shannon joined us in her amazing Final Fantasy X Lulu! These costumes also come back later…

PH PCC 2015-47

We also did a fun photo shoot with our friends from Vicarious Photography at PCC for Marvel Knights (don’t mind my sweaty self, it was just 100 degrees at night and I was in PVC and full theater make-up…)


We took a very short week off and then I started to attempt my “white whale” AH! Catwoman costume. I don’t know what costuming gods were smiling on me but I got it exactly how I wanted it in a week. Holy-eff. Another write up to come about her at another time. Deb and Paul did a fun Harley and Joker for the back to school even with the Very Awesome Girls!


This is when I started getting real crazy….Sabotencon 2015

We first held a sponsored panel with Renyolds advanced materials on beginner mold making. It was a great experience and we would love to do it again!

I thought it would be hilarious to make Yuribears and prance around at con in bear feet doing JoJo poses. It was! I thought these costumes would be simple…they were not! Lots of love to Shannon and Deb for humoring me. I owe you guys some costumes of your choice for this.


I also thought it would be a great idea to do The Boss from MGS3 last minute since David Hayter would be at Saboten. @_@

I got her done, but I don’t think I did much else. Like sleep or eat. Definitely not much of those. We walked around, got some pictures then ended up at the hotel bar (duh.) Hayter ended up being a few tables down from us and came over and hung out with us a bit! How nice of him! Deb also was super nice and made a Meryl to go with Paul’s Naked Snake and my Boss. BFF making dreams come true!


This is all still at Saboten mind you…

Then we decided to enter our first masquarade as Project Hero. That meant busting out Bayo and Gordon Freeman again. I fixed Bayo’s wig and cleaned up the gun shoes, fixed my bra and underwear situation, broke a shoe the night before practicing walking in them AND broke my glasses right before the masquerade! What a weekend.

We ended up winning judge’s choice in the Master category for group so it was worth it!!

You thought I would end here right? That we would go into hibernation after all of that to recover.


I have a few more things we did! I told you we lost it this year!


We went to Comikaze Expo with Deb and Paul and I made us a Young Avengers Loki and Leah. We got these cool Tintype photos and Garrick got to chat with some of the guys from Tested.


Paul and Deb humored me and brought Snake and Meryl again and we met some awesome MGS fans from it!


We also took home 2nd place in the Prop Making National Championship with our Hiccup helmet from HTTYD2!!



Right before Comikaze I made my mom Wasp for Halloween. She liked the Koto figure so much I had to make her the costume. I tailored down my old suit for her and it fit perfectly! (now I have another costume for her to wear to PCC! muahahaha)



We finished filming our first season of ST:The Night Shift, our Star Trek parody youtube series!

(you should check it out on youtube, I promise we’re ACTUALLY funny!)

((and we plan on doing a second season))

Our very last project of the year was a corporate commission for a Pharmaceutical Company. I don’t have any pictures that I can post as it was and NDA deal but we worked on this with Deb and Paul and enlisted the help of Shannon and Joyce to get it done. It was SUPER stressful but the experience was worth it in the end. (Thank you all for dealing with my crazy!!)

I almost forgot to mention the con we did in Las Cruces as Project Hero. We also broke a trampoline that weekend. (Sorry Jason!!!)


There you have our 2015! We hope to get some work around the house done in 2016 and see more of our friends but that doesn’t mean that we don’t still have awesome stuff planned! Hope everyone had a great year and has wonderful plans for the next.

See you next year!

<3 KO’D

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