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Domestic Warfare

Oh Hello!
Where have I been you might ask? Well there are a lot of answers to that. My least favorite answer is that I have been forced into waging domestic warfare on my front and back lawns. I don’t have a traditional lawn yet, unless you count hundreds of varieties of weeds a lawn… I have been trying to get all of them under control for the past 3 weeks so I can start planting and eventually have a semi-adult looking landscape before the ridiculous heat-explosion that we in Arizona call a “summer” hits. I can’t say this was completely boring. I did get to use a blow torch….chemicals… a weed-wacker….and wear a pink respirator all at the same time.

 “Oooooh exciting!!! Please Jackie tell me more about your adventures in being a boring shut in!”
Ask and you shall receive!

I also went to the Desert Botanical Gardens annual plant show to pick up some plants I hopefully can’t kill. I have a black thumb. Maybe even more than that, maybe my thumb is the essence of death. Point it in the direction of something green and it instantly wilts…unless it’s a weed, then it grows more…
Let me tell you what my plant list consisted of:
Devil’s Backbone
Blood Flowers
Bat-Faced Cuphea
Lady Slippers
Ghost plants
“It sounds like a recipe for a curse, or someone went through a list of plants and picked them based solely on their names.” (I did…so what…)
Speaking of my black thumb, I looked outside today and my Bat-Faced Cuphea already looks like it’s dying…now I’m killing them with a glance?! Ugh….  One down one to go. I only bought two plants, the bat-face and a lady slipper. Since I seem to kill things, I thought it best not to blow hundreds of dollars on foliage that may not last due to prolonged exposure to myself.

I was finally able to plant in the flower pots we have on the front of our house!

Green and alive…for now….

I did venture out of the house for this festival…Holi!

Holi is an Indian festival celebrating the colors and vibrancy of spring. Shannon invited us since she had to go for a school project and it was tons of fun!

(I know all of you were secretly wondering…..yes, when I blew my nose it was bright pink for a few days and yes that shit stained all it came in contact with)

Oh and I was able to start this:

I did remember this was a costuming blog….
Look! I got a dress form too! Hopefully a male one will be on it’s way, those are way hard to find. (thank you Garrick’s grandmother and dad for getting these for us!!)
I also have a Teflon presser foot on it’s way. That’s right I’m stepping up my game! No longer will vinyl seams own me, I will destroy them with my beautifully executed finished top seams now!

As for updates, I broke my new years resolution of updating every Friday. Let’s face it, I knew that was going to happen, but it got me to try to update more often. I will shoot for every other week and maybe throw a random personal rant in there somewhere.Why? Because they’re fun and I like talking and thinking that all of you find me as interesting and as funny as I find myself.

Tonight…HUNGER GAMES!! (shut up, the books were awesome….)

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