Batwoman build

Hello again! I am currently writing this part of this blog on a flight back from SLC. There has been some less-than-desirable turbulence going on so if I make inappropriate jokes and don’t go back and edit them out, know I use humor to work through uncomfortable situations. Smiley face. I know I have a … Continue reading Batwoman build

Deathstroke from "Arrow"

I have a story to tell all of you. I was trying to keep this one a little low-key since it's pretty embarrassing, but I can't keep in in any longer. It's too funny....I did something extremely dumb this past weekend causing me to have some unanticipated "free" time.Let's get this out and over with. … Continue reading Deathstroke from "Arrow"

One Red Deadpool

Let's sum up what's happened since my last post....I broke myself on a trampoline, twice. I spent two weekends laying on the couch in a percoset daze since the second time was my neck taking it's Revengeance on me for bouncing and bending my back the wrong direction the week prior. (Yes I sound old...I'm not. My … Continue reading One Red Deadpool